Thursday, November 13, 2008

Love and Marriage

The pictures in today's paper of crying, happy, smiling couples getting married yesterday made me happy.  Yesterday was the first day my state, Connecticut, allowed same sex marriages.  Yet it can't be too far from any one's mind that what is permitted now in Connecticut has been taken away in California - not just up-front banned - a right that had been previously granted by the courts has been taken away - revoked as a result of a well-financed coalition of special interest groups.

Additional states have passed ballot initiatives to revise their constitutions to expressly take rights away from same sex couples.

Particularly disturbing is an initiative passed in Arkansas that prohibits couples co-habiting outside a legal marriage from becoming foster or adoptive parents.  While this applies to both homosexual and heterosexual couples, according to the NYT, the intent of the backers was expressly to thwart the 'gay agenda'.  As a result approximately 3700 children in state custody who have been abandoned, neglected or abused by their heterosexual parents are being doubly punished; denied the potential of a loving home because of bigotry and hatred and fear.

I was particularly moved by Keith Olbermann's Special Comment the other night on Prop 8.  I plan on emailing the link to everyone I know.  I think Keith says it all.

www.msnbc.msn/id/3036677/#27652443  (you will have to copy and paste in your browser since I haven't figured out how to embed the video)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Today I am Proud to be American

After 8 long years, I kept thinking of Ford saying about Watergate, 'our long national nightmare is over'