Rupert is going to the vet tomorrow to be checked for diabetes. He seems to have some but not all of the symptoms so I think it's a good idea to have him checked out.
Here is what happened. On Sunday he threw up and didn't eat but was drinking water like crazy. I thought it was just because he made himself sick on something on Saturday. He didn't eat until Tuesday but he is still drinking more water than usual. He ate yesterday and today he threw up again. He is not acting sick at all though.
Mr. Elfcookie doesn't think it's diabetes. He says he would be peeing more, eating more, and losing weight in addition to the drinking. He is not doing any of those things. Maybe I am just being overcautious. But diabetes is treatable in dogs if it's caught early so this will not be horrible news.
At any rate he is due for his Lyme Disease booster and we need a replacement rabies tag.