Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Please God Let It Be Spring Soon

Pretty pic of sunrise while Rupert was pooping.

Hopefully the pretty picture will offset my depressed, irritated rantings.

I have a question.  What is the purpose of February?  It has Valentine's Day, a day that some people enjoy but others find it heinous.  It has Dead President's, oops, President's Day which is only a holiday if you work in government or banking.  Beyond that the most positive aspect is that it is shorter than the other months.

Above sunset not withstanding, when I look out my front door I see a grim patchwork of dirty snow, muddy grass, and salt and sand covered pavement.  It is still cold although tomorrow is supposed to be 55 F but raining.  But hopefully that will take care of most of the dirty snow.

Anyway, today I am feeling about as grim as the view outside the front door.  I NEED ME SOME SPRING!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Becki said...

There's groundhog day! That's one of my favorite movies of all time.

And even if you're one of those who hates V-day you can always console yourself with a big old Russel Stover sampler box.