Disclaimer #2: I think meth is an ugly drug and no one should use it. Ever. For any reason.
That said, yesterday I went to buy Sudafed to try to de-congest my head, get my eustachian tube functioning and hopefully stop listing to the right when I walk due to dizziness caused by middle-ear problems. This is the first time I have bought Sudafed in a long time. When I had Grave's Disease it was verboten. Since my surgery I can take it now.
Used to be you walked into the store and picked it up off the counter paid for it and went home. Because it is a key ingredient in the manufacture of meth the procedure is now somewhat different. Now you pick up a card from the counter and take it to the pharmacy where they proceed to examine your ID and make you sign a book. Only then will they unlock the secret stash drawer and give you your Sudafed. I was kind of waiting for the fingerprinting and strip search. Crazy.
A few weeks ago I had minor dental surgery and the oral surgeon gave me a prescription for Vicodin. No problem. Here is your highly addictive pain medication. We don't need to verify that you are the person whose name is on the prescription. We don't have to be sure you are not going to go out and sell the pills on the street. Just here you go and have a nice day.
But Sudafed on the other hand, is a different story. Because one ingredient can be used in the manufacture of another drug there must be restrictions. Ridiculous restrictions but restrictions none the less. And restrictions that can make a regular person like me feel as if I was doing something nefarious by buying a decongestant.
I was also brought up short a few years ago when using the self-checkout at the supermarket. Suddenly the computer voice boomed out, 'You are attempting to purchase an age restricted item. Please wait for cashier to verify your ID.' Turns out I had a bottle of Robitussin for Mr. Elfcookie's cold-related cough. Again, I am not 13 years old. I am not likely to be interested in robo-tripping. And again, I am being made to feel as if I am doing something nefarious.
I confess, Officer. I'm guilty. Of trying to unclog my head.