Thursday, July 9, 2009


So last week I had a bit of oral surgery and I have felt kind of under the weather since. Not really sick or feverish or anything - no pig flu - just out of sorts with a side helping of more pain than I would have expected. Today I had my stitches removed and lo and behold, I have a bit of infection (despite 5 days of antibiotics). So more antibiotics for another 5 days and hopefully that will get rid of it.

Random thoughts:

Sarah Palin: 'I'm not a quitter. I'm proving that by quitting."

Joe Biden: Biden speaks, Obama walks back what Biden says. Getting to be a pattern.

Jodi Rell (governor of CT): I thought she was kind of harmless when she took over after Rowland went to jail. Not so much, her policies are terrible.

Example of weird English on a t-shirt from Japan. It says 'Precious', 'Unbreakable', 'Realize'. The circle says 'There is no precious time like the present'. I have no comment. I think the shirt says it all. BTW, Char is the model.

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